Design and Branding

"A product can be quickly outdated, but a successful brand is timeless."    -Stephen King Jaruwa Nepal is helping the business to create a point of view to connect your brand emotionally with your customer to know your core quickly and gain them as loyal customers. We will help you whether you want to create your brand from scratch or want to develop your existing brand we will communicate your message consistently across all channels. Branding design broadly refers to how a brand chooses to express itself in both the physical and digital world; whether that's on social media, or in physical stores. Beyond building relationships with your audience, which can eventually turn them into loyal customers. We design beautiful, easy-to-use mobile and web products that meet your business and user’s needs. We also work close to our dev team to ensure our designs are technically feasible within the constraints of the project.
We will help you to create the foundation for every building box of your brand, including your brand promise, brand message, brand positioning, photography, hierarchy, colors, fonts, and design elements. Building a positive, cohesive brand image requires analyzing the company and its market, and determining the company's goals, customers, and message. A good brand has a clear focus, strong visuals, is familiar with its target audience (family versus mature audience, for example) and is easily recognizable in a sea of similar brands. Some of the elements that are used in a branding strategy are:
•    Brand identity: name, tone of voice, visual identity design (which includes the logo design)
•    Advertising and communications: TV, radio, magazines, outdoor ads, website, mobile apps…
•    Sponsoring and partnerships
•    Product and packaging design
A Design by itself is a graphic element that represents the brand, while a brand is a combination of all tangible and intangible aspects that represent the organization. Without the brand, the Design wouldn’t have a real meaning, it would be simply a graphical element.